Basel III is a set of reform measures for the banking sector established by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in 2010 and 2011. The BCBS is a board of advisors organized by central bankers and is comprised of the Group of Ten countries. Basel III is the third installment of the Basel implementation
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
“But teacher, my dog ate my homework!”
No matter what language you’re speaking, the meaning is the same: I did not do my homework. Personally, I have only used this excuse once. Well, maybe twice. But, hey, I had a very hungry dog!I can remember thinking that playing kickball was way more important than doing my times table’s homework! That’s what calculators
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
FTF News Magazine: Summer 2012
Download the Summer 2012 issue of FTF News Magazine to read about: FTF News’ Person of the Year: Keeping up with XSP’s Brendan Farrell OMS players breaking into the middle- and back-offices J.P. Morgan’s push for best practice guidelines to help sort out diverse commercial data models How Loomis Sayles is bracing for the OTC
Guest Blog
ASP Tech Vendors Race for the Perfect Hedge Fund Solution
Guest Blogger: Sameer Shalaby, President, Paladyne Systems, a Broadridge Company The collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008 was a world-changing event whose consequences continue to play out in the global economy and the financial markets. For the hedge fund world, Lehman’s demise meant that fund managers could no longer rely on a single prime broker
What is series
“What Is” a Swap Execution Facility (SEF)?
A swap execution facility, or SEF, is a regulated transaction platform created under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act (title VII). Dodd-Frank requires non-bilateral swaps to be transacted through a formal platform or via a SEF, using a using a designated contract market (DCM). This new form of regulation amends what was previously known as
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
Help Us Support Operation Backpack
For the third year in a row, FTF is happy to once again be collecting school supplies and backpacks for Volunteers of America and their annual Operation Backpack campaign! Our goal is to make this year the best yet by increasing our involvement and the number of school supplies we donate. We are, therefore, asking
Corporate Actions in the Cloud, ISO 20022 and Data Barriers, Oh My
It’s official. The preliminary agenda for the FTF 6th Annual Corporate Actions Processing Conference is up, live and ready for your viewing pleasure. This year, we will be focusing on how corporate action departments can overcome real-time reporting requirements, changes in tax law and ever-tightening IT budgets. Attend our 6th annual Financial Technologies Forum’s Corporate
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
United We Stand – Against the Calendar People
While we appreciate the day off to watch fireworks and eat BBQ to celebrate our freedom, FTF would like to interview the calendar people that decided to make July 4th on a Wednesday. Could a holiday be any more awkward? Who’s idea was this and why? It was probably someone who already took this week
What is series
“What Is” A CCP?
A central counterparty (CCP), also known as a central counterparty clearing house, aids the process of financial transactions by acting as an intermediary during a trade. Already fixtures in Europe, CCPs have become more prevalent in the US as they will be the buffer between over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives counterparties protecting them from default in the
Guest Blog
Consumers Are Ready for Omnichannel Banking—What About Banks?
Guest Blogger: Philip Farah, Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) Have you walked into a retail store lately and seen someone use his or her phone to “scan” a product’s bar code to get immediate access to reviews from consumers who have bought the product? This customer might also (to the chagrin of retail store