Guest Contributor: Laurent Jacquemin, executive vice president, post-trade derivatives, SunGard’s capital markets business In the derivatives industry, significant, year-over-year transaction volume growth has become the norm. With high-frequency trading driving up the volumes of trades to hundreds of thousands or even millions per day, derivatives market participants must be able to manage these higher volumes.
Private Equity Outsourcing – The Next Frontier
Guest Contributor: Jane Conway, Executive Vice President for Alpha FMC, US Outsourcing particular business functions has been an established and growing feature of the more traditional asset manager landscape. Private Equity (PE) asset managers have to date largely shunned this trend – and with good reason. This is now set to change. The case for outsourcing is
Guest Blog
The Operational Due Diligence Opportunity for Hedge Funds
Guest Contributor: Jason Scharfman,, Esq., CFE, CRISC, Managing Partner, Corgentum Consulting In the past, many hedge fund managers may have cringed at the mere thought of an investor inquiring about conducting a distinct operational due diligence review. Such reticence represents a missed opportunity. Hedge funds often work hard over many years to develop strong operations and
Guest Blog
Social Media Golden Rules
Guest Contributor: Andrew Carrier, Deputy Managing Director of Cognito EMEA While the likes of Citi and American Express have embraced social media with aplomb on the consumer side of their businesses, the B2B financial services sector has been much slower to adapt these new channels. That’s understandable; it can seem like a daunting task. Where to
6 Steps to Implementing Operational Control
Guest Contributor: Patrick Murray, President & CEO, STP Investment Services Enron WorldCom Lehman Brothers AIG Madoff MF Global… Due to disastrous events at companies like those listed above, increased regulation and strict compliance requirements for financial firms are here to stay, and will continue to change and grow more complex for years to come. Firms
Cloud IT Services: Changing the Game for Hedge Funds
Guest Contributor: Jason Elmer, Director of Business Development, Abacus Group The cost of owning and operating on-site IT resources has led hedge funds to adopt cloud-based IT solutions at an increasing rate. This momentum has been helped by a greater understanding of the compelling advantages in Scalability, Cost Predictability and Business Continuity associated with cloud-based
The Silver Butterfly Case – Straddles 101: Why tax straddles are important to a tax-aware portfolio strategy
Guest Contributor: George Michaels, G2 FinTech With tax season right around the corner, we wanted to shed some light on the historical creation of straddles and why they are important to a tax-aware portfolio strategy. A straddle is a set of investment transactions that simultaneously take two offsetting positions on the same underlying security; one of
Rule Making Area I: Registration of Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants
Guest Contribution: Chad Wekelo, Founder and Principal, Actualize Consutling On January 11, 2012 the CFTC approved the final regulations which establish the registration process for swap dealers and major swap participants. The commission has delegated to the National Futures Association the responsibility for the administration of swap entity registration. Because the rules that define the
Bridging the Gap within Hedge Fund Operations
In the coming months, Hedge Funds are going to be implementing operational changes within their firms in order to remain compliant with Dodd-Frank and other regulatory mandates. Firms will also need to explore new technology solutions in order to make the most efficient improvements to their operations. FTF News and Omgeo are conducting this survey
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