Guest Contributer: Gary Wright, CEO, BISS Research As everyone knows, in the securities market, ISO0022 messages are beginning to grab plenty of attention, but very little genuine activity, when it comes to implementation by financial services firms. Why? SWIFT has been instrumental in the introduction of ISO15022 into the world’s securities markets where bank to
Wall Street
When is Enough, Enough?
1.5 trillion dollars – that is the amount that the Federal Reserve has spent to date in order to spark recovery into our economy and apparently they aren’t done yet. It was reported that the Federal Reserve is likely to announce a new plan that will resume large-scale asset purchasing once again in order to
Asia Does it Again
A recent study conducted by Omgeo revealed a direct correlation between the percentages of Same Day Affirmation (SDA) scores with settlement efficiency. The data for the study came from SDA scores of firms using Omgeo services representing 46 countries and averaging 24 million trades/month and settlement efficiency rates as measured by Global Custodian surveys of
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
Tis’ the Season…
Can you believe Christmas is only 58 days away?! The holiday season is right around the corner and with this realization comes the flood of holiday “To Do’s” that overtake our life every year. But this year FTF would like to take the time once again and help out children in the NYC area that
No Such Thing as a Safe Bet – What About Cloud Computing?
With the market constantly going up and down, and back up and back down, and who knows where tomorrow, people are having a tough time deciding where would be a safe place to invest their money. Which stocks should you purchase so you don’t have to wake up worrying that your investment has gone down
Operational Risk – the Overlooked Necessity
Guest Contributer: Charles Garcia, Head of Sales, North America, Sophis As financial firms plan their budget allocations for 2011 and beyond, the one crucial area where some companies fail to focus, and which can wind up a costly mistake, is operational risk management. Following the global financial crisis’ industry-wide spending freeze, firms are now finally
Clearing and Settlement
Custodian Banks See Opportunity in OTC Derivatives Regulation
With Sibos 2010 underway in Amsterdam, this year’s themes include regulation, rebuilding trust and recovery. And to that point, a noteworthy story came out of the first day of this year’s extravaganza. It seems in the midst of the ever-changing OTC derivatives landscape, there is a silver lining – for custodian banks that is. Even
Fun Friday
The History of the Wall Street Bull
I pass the Charging Bull, also known as the Wall Street Bull, every morning on my way to work and get to say goodnight to it on my way home. If I wanted to go visit it to say a quick hello during the day I could because it’s right outside our office. It is
New Cost-Basis Concerns
After reading Maureen Lowe’s blog post earlier this week on the first phase of the new Cost-Basis Reporting law that is scheduled to go into effect this January 1st and the release of the IRS’s final requirements, I thought it might be beneficial to look into what all these new cost-basis requirements are all about!
Ramping up the Back-Office
Guest Contributer:Nolan Gesher, Senior Product Manager – Risk & Compliance, Fiserv The amount of attention the back office gets nowadays might mean it could easily be mistaken for the portfolio manager’s suite or the trader’s desk. Why? The increase in due diligence on back office operations by investors, especially when it comes to reconciliation processes.