Guest Contributer: Marianne Brown, CEO, Omgeo There have been several articles recently that have detailed the “exodus” of women from Wall Street. These articles stem from a statistic reported by the Bureau of Labor that “in the past 10 years, 141,000 women, 2.6% of female workers in finance, disappeared from the industry, while the ranks
Is the Dow Dead?
I heard somewhere that speculation can be one of the greatest triggers of fear and panic. We have certainly seen how speculation (good or bad) can affect our markets, and in turn how it can affect the Dow Industrial Average, and so on. Speculation can easily set off a sort of domino effect, taking down
Wall Street
Women on Wall Street – An Interview with Nicki Gilmour of The Glasshammer
As Financial Technologies Forum is a women owned and operated business to the Wall Street community, I thought it would be enlightening to interview Nicki Gilmour, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of The Glasshammer, an online community to women executives in finance, law, technology and big business, to find out firsthand what women are saying about what it’s like to work
Financial Crime
Wall Street Villains
For the most part, traders respect the financial system and stay within the boundaries set by regulations in order to earn a profit. However, not every trader likes to follow the rules, especially when the rules stand in the way of making millions or billions of dollars. So, we here at FTF thought it might
Conference and Event Planning
Thoughts from a Conference Professional – The Final Session
For years we have asked ourselves “Why do attendees leave the conference before the final session?” We have tried everything from saving key sessions until the end of the day, to having half-day events rather than full-day events. We have even invited everyone to join us for cocktails at the close of the event, thus
What Does Separately Managed Account (SMA) Mean to You?
Guest Contributor: Philip Lawton, Stone House Consulting LLC What does the phrase separately managed account (SMA) mean to you? If you work for an investment management firm with institutional clients, you probably think of their individual, stand-alone portfolios. However, if your firm (or your part of the firm) offers wrap-fee products, you’re more likely to
Banks Get Nine Years to Life
The Basel Committee on Bank Supervision recently released the new Basel III requirements. That’s right. Basel II worked so well that banks had enough capital on hand to withstand the recent financial crisis without significant bailout (cough, cough), so why not continue on with that idea? Just increase requirements, give banks a bunch of time
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
Eating Our Way through Wall Street!
We thought it might be fun to lighten the mood this Friday and share with you some of the FTF crew’s favorite Wall Street eateries. Food is a topic that regularly comes up in conversation at the office, so it is only natural that it has made its way to our blog! We plan to
The Role of the CCO: Changing or Evolving?
Lately, I feel there is a lot of talk about the changing role of the Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) within the financial services industry. So much so I’m planning to base a session around this topic at our upcoming 2nd Annual Buy-Side Compliance & Risk conference on December 9th. With that being said, I wanted
Getting the Message Out – A New Development (Really!) in Reconciliations
Guest Contributor: Dayle Scher, TowerGroup When talking about reconciliations (which we all do, I know!), it seems as though there isn’t much new out there. Sure, there are nice dashboards and workflow tools, but have we really changed all that much? Don’t get me wrong – I don’t miss the days of ticking and tying