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Abu Dhabi-based ADS Securities, a foreign exchange trading company, has introduced a new sentiment-tracking research tool for its clients, says Acuity Trading, the U.K.-based big-data specialist that provided it.
Now available to ADS clients is “instant analysis of millions of blogs, news wires and social media which are relevant to their investment strategies,” according to an Acuity statement. “In addition to the technical and fundamental information already available, they can track the real strength of feeling behind the headlines and make their decisions based on worldwide sentiment.”
Acuity’s products use “custom indicators, available via charting applications or display widgets,” the company says.
“If you can understand how the investment community is feeling today, you can more accurately define what will happen tomorrow,” Andrew Lane, Acuity managing director, says in the statement.
ADS Securities describes itself as the “largest brokerage by volume in the Middle East,” and notes that it is regulated by the Central Bank of United Arab Emirates.
Acuity, founded in 2013, employs machine learning and natural language processing technology to “analyze millions of news items daily and quantify the mood of the market toward any given stock, currency or index.”
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- ADS Securities,
- Acuity Trading,
- Middle East,
- sentiment
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