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Sheryl Brown is passionate about social media use among advisors in the financial services industry. She knows firsthand that LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google and other sites can amplify your value proposition — and she wants to show you how. As social media director at Sigma Financial Corporation, Sheryl assists advisors and employees with their own social media strategies, and she has been influential in developing a strategic online presence for both Sigma Financial Corporation and Parkland Securities LLC — one that connects to both clients and advisors, positively impacts practices and creates communities aimed at improving the industry. Aside from her social media expertise, she has more than 25 years of experience in the financial services community and is a licensed life and health insurance advisor. As a professional speaker, Sheryl has addressed audiences for financial services organizations such as LIMRA, BRAMCO, NAIFA, and the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance, and she has also spoken at other social media marketing engagements. Online, she writes expert articles on social media marketing for a variety of publications. Connect with Sheryl on Twitter: @BionicSocialite
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