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Financial and energy trading and risk management vendor OpenLink has announced that Bank of the West has implemented OpenLink’s Findur solution for its capital markets and treasury operations, officials say.
The implementation at Bank of the West, a subsidiary of the BNP Paribas Group, included “a number of workflows to automate and facilitate both pre and post sales business activities,” according to a vendor statement.
OpenLink’s Findur allows “complete transaction lifecycle support for trading, investing, hedging and funding multiple asset classes, including interest rates, credit, currencies, equities and commodities, and comprehensive treasury management capabilities,” the statement says.
Findur also allows clients to complete a valuation of an entire portfolio within a single integrated system, and also complete production of end of day reports “in a timely manner and utilization of the hedge accounting solution to formally assess hedge effectiveness for both cash flow and fair value hedges.”
“Bank of the West has been a tremendous partner during this project. It had a clear vision for the type of real-time data and reporting it wanted across its business lines,” says Sandy Weil, managing director, Americas Financial Services at OpenLink, in a statement. “We are pleased to support its robust risk requirements with sophisticated technology.”
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- Findur,
- OpenLink,
- SEC,
- compliance,
- data management,
- hedging,
- risk management
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