Anti Money Laundering, or AML, refers to a global push to stop the flow of currency generated by illegal activity such as that of organized crime and terrorist groups. AML practices require financial institutions to monitor and detect money-laundering through a series of regulations and procedures that track income flows and identity. In essence, money
Guest Blog
How Do Large Institutions Meet Resourcing Needs to Achieve Strategic and Regulatory Change?
Guest Contributor: Tom Spouse, CEO, Prospect 33 Volatile markets, unpredictable revenue streams, ever changing business lines and a constantly evolving landscape lead to many questions, not the least of which is: How can we truly commit to building the “right” resourcing model for the future? Building strategic resourcing partnerships for the future is always a
“What Is” Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing is changing the way companies access IT resources. Rather than build out their own infrastructures, firms can use a cloud computing provider to manage its IT infrastructure in a more affordable manner than standard deployment. The provider then delivers those IT services via the Internet. Essentially, the cloud computing model encompasses all or
Get Your Big Data Under Control
Guest Contributor: Mark Wickersham, Director of Product, ByAllAccounts, Inc. Mid-market asset managers drowning in compliance costs are reaching for better reconciliation systems in order to expand their AUM without collapsing their margins. For many investment management firms, new channels of product distribution bring additional back-office operational burdens: new systems to learn, different ways to retrieve
What is series
“What Is” Foreign Exchange (FX)?
Foreign Exchange (FX) transactions involve the exchange of two currencies. Investors, companies, individuals and government officials use FX for varying purposes. Currencies are traded through global, over-the-counter (OTC) markets and exchanges to buy, sell and speculate on FX transactions. The FX market was established in the 1970’s when international trades transitioned to floating exchange rates.
Guest Blog
Outsourcing Drivers
Guest Contributor: Jon Anderson, Head of Valuations & OTC Derivatives, SS&C GlobeOp Asset Managers of all stripes are pursuing the opportunity to outsource all or part of their operations to qualified service providers. The reasons vary, but hedge funds, pension companies, corporate treasuries and insurers are looking at outsourcing post-trade activities. Nowhere is this more
What is series
“What Is” Market Volatility?
Market volatility is the rate at which any activity in a financial instrument fluctuates on a daily basis. In other words, market volatility is the uncertainty about the size of change in the price of a security. Volatility is generally found by calculating the yearly standard deviation of a daily change in the price of
Alternative Investments Survey: Get Exclusive Insights & Chance to Win $50 AmEx Gift Card
Take the Survey Now National Survey Alternative Investments: Reporting & Servicing Challenges Complete this survey to enter for a chance to win a $50 American Express gift card! Take this short ByAllAccounts Q4 National Survey, conducted in conjunction with Millennium Trust Company, to see how you stack up with other alternative investment users, asset
Rethinking Reconciliation
Guest Contributor: Michael Alexander, EVP & COO Business Process Outsourcing, Broadridge Financial Solutions Financial institutions can enhance risk management and reduce costs through a reconciliation global center of excellence. Timing is critical. The cost of falling further behind industry standards is rising. To date, the “path of least resistance” has been to create a series
“What Is” The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)?
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) is a regulation enacted by the U.S. federal government to stem tax evasion by US citizens and residents using offshore accounts. Under FATCA, the government will obtain information to foster more transparency into offshore accounts. FATCA is projected to raise $7.6 billion in revenues over the next decade.