The term reference data is most commonly used by information technology (IT) professionals in the financial sector to categorize data that describes financial transactions and helps identify the participants in those transactions. Reference data was established by regulatory agencies in order to increase trade efficiency and to help firms manage risk. In short, reference data
Guest Blog
Machine Readable News
Guest Blogger: Lynn Connolly, Director of Risk Management Advisory at Constellation Investment Consulting Corp With the increase in algorithmic and high-frequency trading, there has also been an increase in machine readable news services which attempt to gauge market sentiment and assist in measuring the impact news has on the marketplace in real-time. These technology services
What is series
“What Is” a Corporate Action?
A corporate action is a step taken by a publicly traded company that usually sets off a process that impacts the shareholders of a stock. Generally, corporate actions provide investors with more transparency into a public company’s financial state by letting investors observe how each action influences the price of a stock. Ultimately, it should
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
Team USA!!!
We are now in day 14 of the 2012 Summer Olympics and fans are on the edge of their seats as China and the United States play a game of tug a war for the most medals! Team USA takes the lead with 90 medals while China has 80! One thing is for sure, this
Less Means More
“Less Means More” three little words with a significant meaning. Unless you are talking about Regulation and Compliance, then “More Means More!” After the crisis in 2008, the financial industry needed to make changes in the regulatory system. But with these changes came frustration and confusion. For those of you who get overwhelmed with the
Corporate Actions
Securing an IT Budget for a Corporate Actions Project
Guest Blogger: Kevin Cullen, Communications & Marketing Director at Information Mosaic Since the financial downturn, getting budget for any project seems harder than ever. With the renewed emphasis on regulation, risk mitigation, and data standardization, the focus may have turned away from front-office and trading to the middle-office and post-trade areas. In the case of
“What Is” Dodd-Frank?
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, most commonly referred to as Dodd-Frank, is a major piece of federal legislation established in response to the Great Recession of 2008-09. The crisis was primarily fueled by the housing bubble and under-regulated, risky trading in mortgage-back derivatives and related securities by many major financial services
Fun Friday
Olympics Update
So, we’re up to day 8 in the Olympics, and the US is going strong! Currently, the US is atop China with 37 overall medals, but both teams are tied with 18 gold medals. Even though some are predicting the fight for the gold will be tough, I have no doubt that the USA will
Financial Crime & AML Compliance – Event Wrap-Up
We recently held our 2nd Annual Financial Crime & AML Compliance Breakfast event on July 18th, and we couldn’t have asked for better timing! With so many recent AML investigations including ING, HSBC and the Vatican, we knew the sessions would be received well… and we were right! Here’s what a few of our attendees
Guest Blog
LEI’s Could Undershoot
Guest Blogger: Gary Wright MCSI, CEO, B.I.S.S. Research LEIs (Legal Entity Identifiers) are becoming the most talked about acronym of today but could lose out if the development of the standard is limited to too narrow a focus. In the securities market I have been on the trail of LEIs for over twenty years, first