The idea of the clearinghouse is fairly simple. A clearinghouse acts as a middle man who will insure a financial transaction between two market parties. This definition may be simple enough, but in reality a clearinghouse is far more complex and, if it were to fail, the results could be disastrous for the economy. For
All Roads Lead to the Smart Router
Guest Contributor: Renée Colyer, CEO, Forefactor As if it wasn’t complicated enough before – now, because of the OPR (Order Protection Rule) in Canada, there are two types of smart order routers (venue and broker offered) that the buyside needs to understand. On top of that, the use of algorithms has prompted much confusion about
Conference and Event Planning
Top Theme – Registering with the SEC – A Wrap-Up from the 4th Annual Hedge Fund Ops and Tech Conference
Much was discussed at this year’s 4th Annual Hedge Fund Ops & Tech conference in NYC! Our chairperson for the day, Dan Strachman, Author & Strategist from HedgeAnswers, got the morning started off with his thoughts on the current state of the industry. From there many conversations quickly turned to SEC registration requirements. One of
Dodd-Frank Deadliness Likely to Extend
Given the tight one-year deadline, it comes as no surprise that the SEC, the CFTC and various industry trade associations are already talking about extensions to the fast approaching July 21st deadline to implement Dodd-Frank. On April 8th, the SEC released a statement saying that they are likely to extend the deadline for mid-sized investment
Fragmentation v Consolidation
Guest Contributor: Steve Grob, Fidessa Seems like equity and other capital marketplaces are going through the ying and yang of fragmentation and consolidation. Just as we hear about another merger, we read about another new venue going live or more regulation encouraging competition. This provides market participants with a problem, especially in terms of understanding
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
FTF Technology Innovation Award Winners Announced Thursday
Voting for the FTF News Technology Innovation Awards officially ended at 6 p.m. EDT, April 8th and we were blown away by the overwhelming number of votes received. Voting was fiercely competitive and it is likely that some categories will come down to companies winning by as little as two or three votes. The Editorial
The Cloud – A New Era of Innovation, Productivity and Service
The Cloud – a new era of innovation, productivity and service. That’s what we all took away from Financial Technologies Forum’s Cloud Computing on Wall Street Breakfast Briefing this past Tuesday in NYC. Thanks goes out to all the attendees for making this event so great and for participating in the open forum discussions around
Exploring Public & Private Clouds
(Guest Contributor: Brian McCallion, global performance architect at AIG.) Cloud computing has essentially been private from the beginning. Google, for one, demonstrates that the world’s most successful search engine runs not on an IBM Power, Sun Enterprise, or other massively powerful machine engineered for business by the go-to vendors for computer solutions. More in keeping
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
Knock, Knock Social Media. Is Anyone There?
Frankly, when I first heard of Twitter, I thought it was stupid. I didn’t care where Ashton Kutcher ate lunch or that some random person I didn’t know was on the way to the gym nor did I think that anyone would care that I just bought a mocha frappucino light at Starbucks and I
Fun Friday
And is spotted at Disney Land…. APRIL FOOLS!