By Steinar Eikeland, chief investment officer at Industrifinans Kapitalforvaltning, an asset management firm based in Oslo, Norway. Overall, investment management clients and regulators are demanding more transparency and standardization across the industry, and this includes the calculation of performance fees. Financial Technologies Forum is again facilitating a meeting place for the industry to discuss this dynamic development in
Part 3 of MiFID II and Fixed Income: What Price Transparency?
By Jeffrey O. Himstreet, corporate counsel, PGIM fixed income law, PGIM Fixed Income Parts 1 and 2 of this blog, for Financial Technologies Forum in anticipation of their upcoming conference, Navigating the Maze of MiFID II, and our panel “New Rules for Fixed Income,” focused on the MiFID II rules relating to reporting and research unbundling
Part 2 of MiFID II and Fixed Income: What Price Transparency?
By Jeffrey O. Himstreet, corporate counsel, PGIM fixed income law, PGIM Fixed Income (Editor’s Note: This is Part II of a three-part part series. To read Part I click here. Check back next week for part III or sign up for our news alerts to stay informed.) Transparency to Clients. The “unbundling” of research expenses from transaction
Part 1 of MiFID II and Fixed Income: What Price Transparency?
By Jeffrey O. Himstreet, corporate counsel, PGIM fixed income law, PGIM Fixed Income (Editor’s Note: This is Part I of a three-part part series. Check back for parts II and III or sign up for our news alerts to stay informed.) As with any other reporting requirement enacted in financial services regulation anywhere in the
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
We Are Hiring! Delegate Acquisition Position Open on FTF Sales Team!
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF), a media company to Wall Street, is looking to grow its sales team. We are a passionate, smart, funny, dedicated and hardworking bunch of people and we are looking to add a delegate acquisition person to our team. The most important requirement for this position is whether our corporate culture is
GIPS: To Port or not to Port – that is the Question?
By Ambika D’Souza, VP, Global Head of GIPS, State Street Global Advisors Introduction The investment management industry has seen its fair share of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and team lift-out activities over the years. During this process the aspect of the portability of investment track records is sometimes overlooked. Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS[1]) “Portability”
Hedge Funds
Report Timing with Hedge Funds
By Michael Beck, CIPM, CFP (R), Vice President, Glenmede Trust Company. One of the main issues when adding hedge funds to a portfolio is the timing of reports. Hedge funds and other non-liquid alternatives tend not to be priced quickly after the month end. This can lead to an issue in reporting performance to the
Cybersecurity: What to Look for?
Cybersecurity threats are diverse, ranging from government sanctioned and well-resourced institutions, sophisticated criminal enterprises and disillusioned employees. Most breaches can be averted by following best practices. Others are wholly unavoidable irrespective of the systems or technology that fund managers have at their disposal. Institutional investors need to be cognizant of the threats facing their hedge
The Next Step in the Global Legal Entity Identifier System: Data on Who Owns Whom
By Karla McKenna, Head of Standards at Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) The Global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) System is designed to ultimately help answer three questions: Who is who? Who owns whom? And who owns what? In other words, the publicly available LEI data pool can be regarded as a global directory, which
The Unknown Knowns of Vendor Risk
Guest Contributor: David Bates, Citisoft A few years ago I was intrigued by the Rumsfeld documentary “The Unknown Known”. Without getting into politics or views on the man himself, the idea of striving for continual awareness of what you know and don’t know along with how it influences your management strategy and risk is highly