Guest Contributer: Jim Binder, Director, Public Relations, The Options Clearing Corporation In the aftermath of the financial crisis, and through the regulatory reform efforts it led to, central counterparty (CCP) clearing has drawn a lot of attention as a way to help manage risk in the over-the-counter markets. Afterall, listed markets with CCP clearing functioned
Streamlining to Achieve Transparency in the New OTC World
Ever since the passing of the Dodd-Frank bill, companies have been thinking about (or at least they should be thinking about) how they will come up with a cost effective solution to keep them compliant under the new regulations. Many software providers have been trying to work out these solutions on their own in order
Financial Technology
Aite Group 2011 IT Priorities and Spending Study
Aite Group, LLC is currently calling all C-level technology and operations executives of securities firms to participate in a short, 15 minute survey on 2011 IT spending trends in capital markets. By taking the survey, not only are you entered to win a Tivoli Model One® Radio, but you will also receive a complimentary copy
Fun Friday
Food Truck Friday with FTF
Earlier this week, the FTF gang decided that we needed a few moments away from our desks to reboot and recharge. We could think of no better way to do this then grabbing an afternoon snack from one of the best food trucks that roams Manhattan: The Waffle Truck. Waffle Truck 001 resized 600For those
The Volcker Rule – Seeking Out Systemic Risk
[youtube=] (In this video Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Chairman, Sheila Bair, discusses the Dodd-Frank Act, which was signed into law by President Barack Obama in July, and the Volcker rule.) If you have been reading the news in the past few days, I’m sure you came across the latest announcements around “The Volcker Rule”. This
Cloud Computing: Welcome to the Buy-Side
Guest Contributor: Mike Wilkins, Industry Expert Cloud computing’s impact on financial technology is at the forefront of everyone’s mind these days, from the pinstriped bankers on Wall Street to the hoodie and jeans crowd on LaSalle Street. As the geek humor bit goes, we all know the cloud’s gone mainstream when Microsoft is running commercials
Operational Risk
Inside an Investor’s Portfolio: How Much Do They Know?
Risk management has become extremely important in the past year or two. The risk management teams at many firms have begun to reassess their roles and the way they manage risk in order to prevent past mistakes from being repeated. However, shouldn’t others also know and understand the impact that risk has on a portfolio?
Fun Friday
Know Where You Work – Wall Street Edition
We thought it might be fun to explore some areas of this great city we work in – New York. So we thought we could investigate a few neighborhoods around the city and fill you in on some things you might be missing right outside your office door! To begin we are tackling Wall Street.
Post-Crisis Rebound & Hedge Fund Staffing
We’ve recently released the agenda for our upcoming 4th Annual Hedge Fund Operations & Technology Conference, which is scheduled to take place in NYC this April. One of the sessions added to the agenda this year is titled “Post-Crisis: Staffing your Hedge Fund Operations Team.” We felt this was an important topic to discuss because,
Guest Contributor: Dorothy Friedman, Vice President, Marketing, Fidessa People at work are often shocked to learn that I am on Twitter. They ask, “Why would you do that?” Or say, “Wow, that’s a huge waste of time”. Many of them do not realize how valuable Twitter can be from a business perspective, if used properly.