Roseann Tsandiotis, of Barclay’s Capital, speaks with FTF News, Eugene Grygo, about where the evolution of automation is at in Recs, and the tradeoffs firms need to consider before they commit to fully automating their Recs function. [youtube] Roseann recently was a panelist speaker at FTF’s ReCon New York conference. Check out our upcoming
Operational Risk
FTF News Video: AIG Official Foresees Benefits from Stress Tests
Op Risk veteran Lourenco Miranda speaks with FTF News about how firms can prepare for the stress tests, and the hidden benefits they might see after the process. Check out more FTF News video interviews from past events here.
FTF News Video: Thrivent Financial Embraces Social Media Compliance
In a video interview with FTF News, Thrivent Financial’s Stacey Eckes-Borys discusses the best practices for making certain social media usage comply with regulatory guidelines, and how firms can use technology to optimize the benefits from social media usage. [youtube] Be sure to look at FTF’s SMAC New York 2015 conference, our annual Social Media
Operational Risk
Boston Private Bank’s Tim MacDonald on Op Risk and New Financial Products
Tim MacDonald, chief risk offcer (CRO) at Boston Private Bank, speaks with FTF News about why firms should be taking into consideration the potential operational risks of new financial products, especially in the early developmental phases. This will save a lot of problems later and might avoid calling in the Op Risk department after the
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
Cyber Monday Savings on FTF Premier News Access!
Aite’s David Weiss Talks Package Trades and SEF Trading
FTF News speaks with Aite Group’s David Weiss about the CFTC’s recent reprieve for over-the-counter package trades transacted swap execution facilities (SEFs) rules. “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst” David Weiss recently spoke on a panel at the FTF DerivOps New York 2014 conference. If you are interested in learning more information on FTF’s live events
Financial Technologies Forum (FTF)
Happy Thanksgiving from FTF!
The FTF Team is off stuffing our faces with turkey and enjoying the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (obviously dreaming of representing FTF in the festivities ourselves)! Though we wanted to take time and wish all our clients a bountiful Thanksgiving and hope you all enjoy the holiday season!
DerivOps New York Photo Gallery
Did you miss DerivOps New York 2014? Take a peak inside the event in the picture gallery below. Also, be sure to check out DerivOps North America 2015 for a two-day, in-depth conference on all things derivatives operations. Combining our annual Chicago and New York event as well as our premier collateral management conference, DerivOps North
Social Media
Sheryl Brown Talks Social Media Best Practices
Ash Brokerage’s social media guru Sheryl Brown talks to FTF News editor, Eugene Grygo, about best practices and lessons learned from using social media. [youtube] Join FTF for our annual SMAC New York 2015 conference on social media and compliance in the financial services. From social media strategies to compliance issues, this is the premier
FTF Rings Nasdaq Opening Bell
Financial Technologies Forum was honored to ring the Nasdaq Opening Bell on September 18, 2014, kicking off our annual FTF SMAC NY event focusing on social media and compliance in financial services. Experience the exciting moments with the FTF team as you view behind the scenes footage from the ceremony here: View the complete ceremony