For all those who attended and participated in FTF’s 4th Annual Performance Measurement Conference yesterday in NYC, we would like to thank you for making it such a great and informative event yet again! Special thanks go out to all the knowledgeable speakers and the event sponsors who included, SS&C Technologies, BI-SAM, DST Global Solutions and Eagle Investments Systems. The day was a huge success and we received a great deal of positive feedback from the attendees, like this one such comment: “Today’s conference was great all around; run well, great room; well attended; engaged audience; vendor room, speakers, staff and sponsors were all great”.
Conversations in the morning quickly turned to the changes GIPS has made within the industry. The speakers were able to delve into how a firm can get verified and whether you should take the global approach or an operational approach, which DST Global Solutions exhibitied a great perspective on during their session. But all-in-all, it was great to have discussions in an open industry forum about whether or not GIPS is leading the way to possible global standardization.
Among the other issues discussed throughout the day was the fact that value risk reporting and stress testing may become mandatory soon, and then this led to further discussions around the implications this may have on the industry. SS&C Technologies also gave a great presentation on the need to use your firm’s objectives to decide between time weighted returns vs. money weighted. Discussions also turned to new topics that are becoming popular such as security level attribution. So overall it was a great day where many areas of performance measurement were brought to light by the distinguished panelists, moderators and speakers.
Therefore, as we did with our recent OpRisk Conference, we wanted to give you all a brief look into the event with some pictures. It’s always nice to have a few photos to document the day!
For more in-depth coverage on what was discussed at the event watch for some upcoming highlights in the FTF Newsletter.
Denise Valentine, Senior Analyst at Aite Group, leads a discussion on what vendors see as the next hot feature.
Abe Wons, President of A Wons and Assocaites LLC, leads a discussion on performance and risk.
Arin Stancil, VP & GIPS Compliance Manager at PIMCO, gives an update on standards.
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