Derivatives Processing on Legacy Technology:
Fear factor or real factor?
Are legacy investment management systems the bane of your derivatives processing? An increasing number of buy-side organizations are implementing sophisticated strategies that employ derivatives. However outdated systems across the front-to-back office have not kept pace with the increasingly broad and bespoke range of investment products. These system deficiencies result in manual processing which inevitably introduces costly errors. Additionally, many of the outdated systems in place are unable to support the timely modeling of new instruments, eroding competitive advantage for the firm, with a slower time to market for new products. The good news is more advanced systems are available. But how do you determine what sort of systems can help you drive performance while keeping a tight grip on exposure and costs?
Please join us on Thursday, July 18th, at 1:00 pm ET for an insightful, 60 minute web seminar when experts from SimCorp and Citisoft will discuss:
The stresses derivatives exert on the front/middle/back offices
- Industry solutions for supporting derivatives processing: proprietary v. best of breed v. integrated v. outsourcing
- The value of state-of-the-art technology for derivatives processing, with a focus on new instrument modeling
- Future trends and considerations
This is a must-attend event for Chief Investment Officers, Chief Operating Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Heads of Investment Operations, Heads of Operations, Heads of Technology/IT of buy-side firms looking to improve investment performance by replacing disparate systems.
Register online today!
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