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EBS BrokerTec, interdealer-broker ICAP’s electronic foreign exchange and fixed income business, has announced that it’s made significant strides in combining the businesses of EBS and BrokerTec since they merged divisions six months ago, officials say.
EBS BrokerTec has combined its sales, support and on-boarding teams, allowing “the business to leverage its scale and reach more customers with its combined product offerings and diverse trading options,” according to a company statement.
EBS BrokerTec has also leveraged “strong synergies in its operational functions, particularly in technology, to provide its customers with even more efficient access to the foreign exchange and fixed income markets,” the statement says.
“In combining EBS and BrokerTec we can build a stronger and better organization, for the benefit of our customers in many markets around the world,” says Gil Mandelzis, CEO, EBS BrokerTec, in a statement. “Leveraging the synergies of the combined business has allowed us to innovate and develop new products which we will announce in due course. At the same time, we are committed to the continued investment in our established EBS and BrokerTec platforms, to maintain the robustness of our trading environment and to ensure the provision of stable and efficient markets.”
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- BrokerTec,
- Dodd-Frank,
- EBS,
- Fixed Income,
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