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Eze Software Group, a provider of investment technology, has expanded its Regulatory Filings Manager software to support Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) Annex IV filings, according to a company statement.
AIFMD went into effect last year in the EU after being proposed by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), and requires alternative investment funds to meet specific risk management standards for monitoring, measuring and reporting.
Funds affected by AIFMD are required to provide supervisory authorities with detailed investment data on a quarterly or bi-annual basis.
Eze’s Regulatory Filings Manager automates the filing process and allows its users to map and define data, create golden copies of positions and render calculations, according to the statement, officials say.
“AIFMD represents another large, complex filing that requires our clients to pull relevant data from multiple data sources across historical time periods,” says Phil Christianson, associate director of product management at Eze Software Group, in a written statement. “Contrary to previous filings, AIFMD requires clients to reevaluate, recalculate, and reformat that data to correspond with ESMA reporting guidelines. We have enhanced the capabilities of Regulatory Filings Manager to help our clients meet these new reporting requirements.”
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- Eze Software Group
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