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CFTC Chairman Timothy Massad has named Aitan Goelman to be the director of the agency’s division of enforcement.
Goelman is a former federal prosecutor with more than 20 years of experience litigating both criminal and civil matters. He will be a “tough, aggressive and fair leader at a critical time in the commission’s history,” Massad said in a statement.
Goelman joins the CFTC from the law firm Zuckerman Spaeder where he has been a litigation partner for 11 years, focusing on white-collar crime and commercial litigation, and he previously served in the U.S. Department of Justice for nine years, including a stint as an assistant U. S. attorney in the Southern District of New York, and as a special attorney to the U.S. Attorney General, according to the CFTC statement.
He follows Gretchen Lowe, who filled the post on an interim basis following the resignation of David Meister, who directed the London interbank offered rate (or Libor) investigations, among other high-profile cases.
At the Justice Department, Goelman handled white-collar criminal cases involving bank, wire, mail and securities fraud, as well as RICO, and violent crimes, the CFTC statement notes, adding that he also was one of the trial lawyers that convicted the Oklahoma City bombers. In fact, he was the youngest lawyer on the federal prosecution team, according to reports.
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- Aitan Goelman,
- Timothy Massad
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