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The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Finra) has named two new public governors, Joshua S. Levine and Robert W. Scully, to its board of governors, officials say.
Levine is currently a managing director at Kita Capital Management, and previously served as E*TRADE’s chief technology and operations officer. He also serves on the board of several non-profits.
Scully is a director at Ally Credit Canada Ltd. and New York City Teach for America, Inc. and serves as an independent director on several other boards. He previously held several positions at Morgan Stanley from 1996 through 2007.
The appointments of Scully and Levine follow two earlier appointments of public governors – Elisse B. Walter, a former chairman of the SEC and Susan Wolburgh Jenah, a former president and CEO of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) – to Finra’s board in August.
Finra is overseen by a 24-person board of governors, with 13 seats held by public governors and 10 by industry governors, with the remaining seat held by Finra’s CEO. Finra governors are appointed or elected to three-year terms and may not serve more than two consecutive terms.
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