FTF and the ValueExchange have formed an exciting partnership.

Grygo is the chief content officer for FTF & FTF News.
FTF officially launched the FTF News service on Valentine’s Day 2011, and I’m happy to say that 12 years later, we are still going strong.
Perhaps for the sake of inviting good luck, on Valentine’s Day 2023, FTF and the ValueExchange (the VX) officially launched the FTF Research Institute, formed through a new partnership with the VX, a research, benchmarking, and sales-enablement company.
The combined effort is an exciting attempt to facilitate a deeper, more constructive awareness between buy-side and sell-side firms participating in the global securities industry. The FTF Research Institute will serve as a fresh resource for capital markets expertise, providing access to industry reports and findings that bring clarity to capital markets trends, challenges, emerging disruptions, and more. Reports will be available for industry practitioners to download at any time.
For the launch, we are presenting 10 reports but that library will be growing as the combined effort advances. The partnership will involve FTF and the VX in securities industry surveys that fully explore capital markets concerns with the findings presented with innovation and insight. All new reports crafted through this partnership will become available via the newly formed institute, which will also include content from the FTF News service and securities industry contributors.
When I helped launch the news service in 2011, it was different from what it has become. I filed in-depth, feature story reports about current matters and about FTF’s conferences — most of them at 1 Hanover Square, a.k.a. the India House.
But I quickly learned that FTF is a dynamic organization and we advanced and refined the news service to meet the new demands of subscribers and other participants in all that FTF does.
FTF will apply that same dynamic to the FTF Research Institute so that it meets and exceeds your needs for a deeper understanding of the global securities industry.
To get more details, please contact Maureen Lowe, the president and founder of Financial Technologies Forum, and publisher of FTF News, at Maureen.lowe@ftfnews.com
For more about the ValueExchange, please visit its website at www.thevalueexchange.co
And, while you’re at it, please check out the inaugural website page: http://bit.ly/3XwGhsr
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