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GBST Holdings Ltd. (GBST), a provider of securities transaction and fund administration software for the financial services industry, reports that it and Omgeo, a wholly owned subsidiary of The DTCC, have developed and certified a new iteration of GBST’s Syn~ application that features connectivity with Omgeo’s Central Trade Manager (CTM).
The new application provides clients with an “automated solution for the central matching of cross-border and domestic transactions,” according to a GBST statement.
Via Omgeo CTM with GBST Syn~, ‘clients can increase same-day affirmation rates, reduce costly manual intervention, and minimize exceptions and user intervention, even for ‘outlier’ scenarios,” the company says.
“Increasing regulation and cost pressures on middle office operations are driving the need for greater automation and efficiency,” Andrew Hughes, Omgeo executive director, says, explaining the need for the new offering.
GBST Syn~ also interfaces with Omgeo Oasys Direct, the company’s U.S. trade allocation and acceptance service, and Omgeo Alert, the company’s web-based database for the maintenance and communication of standing settlement and account instructions, the company also notes.
Need a Reprint?- Read More:
- Andrew Hughes,
- CTM,
- GBST Syn~,
- Omgeo,
- regulation
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