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GoldenSource, an enterprise data management (EDM) software vendor, has upgraded its EDM platform to help securities firms meet regulatory requirements for better data tracking with a single, centralized entity master, according to a company statement.
The upgrade is in response to regulators that have increasingly turned their attention to the ability of financial firms to reliably track and report counterparty data and risk exposure. GoldenSource’s upgrade aims to help firms meet these requirements, such as being able to quickly and accurately aggregate counterparty exposure, according to the statement, officials say.
The upgraded platform manages instrument, counterparty and issuer data on a single platform using key standards such as the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) to link each entity to its various roles, hierarchies and alternate identifiers, according to GoldenSource.
“Financial institutions now understand that maintaining identifiers like the LEI in multiple locations is costly and inefficient,” says Neill Vanlint, global managing director at GoldenSource, in a written statement. “With a single entity master that supports all identifiers and hierarchies, they can future-proof their reference data backbone … and avoid a cycle of major surgery on customer, counterparty and issuer masters as entity-related governance tightens.”
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- Enterprise Data Management,
- Goldensource
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