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iTB Holdings, a software vendor for institutional fixed income traders, has upgraded the interface for its iTBconnect platform that allows users to display their bids/offers and inventory to electronic fixed income trading venues in order to improve fill rates, optimize execution prices and maximize distribution, officials say.
The iTBconnect platform is used for executing trades, managing orders, posting liquidity and automating post-trade workflow for fixed income instruments.
The iTBconnect trading interface helps clients post bids/offers to the fixed income marketplace and helps them monitor market data feeds, officials say. The improved interface also enables clients to post hundreds or even thousands of bid/offer interests. “For data-driven clients, iTBconnect replicates all these workflows within the client’s spreadsheets,” according to a vendor statement.
The enhanced interface targets high volume institutional workflows.
“Institutional traders need additional ways to trade corporate bonds due to the ongoing transition of the fixed income landscape.” said Michael Chuang, founder and CEO of iTB Holdings in a prepared statement. “Low market volatility has saddled fixed income traders with high fixed costs and declining revenues.”
Need a Reprint?- Read More:
- Fixed Income,
- data,
- execution,
- fill rates,
- iTB Holdings,
- iTBconnect,
- trading
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