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High-performance database vendor Kx Systems has extended elements of the multi-threaded data retrieval of version 3.2 of its kdb+ database software, which is based on the “q” programming language, officials say.
The multi-threaded data retrieval extensions “can significantly speed up processing in some applications,” Kx Systems officials say. “Kx has also expanded the capabilities of its WebSocket support by making it possible for kdb+ to function as a WebSocket client.”
The vendor has added WebSocket compression, which is particularly useful for applications that need more responsive user interfaces than those based on Flash or AJAX.
The new features are intended to speed up kdb+ queries, says Simon Garland, chief strategist for Kx Systems, in a prepared statement. He adds that the new version will allow users to better utilize “the latest many-core servers.” The use of multiple servers can cut query execution times, and help firms increase the efficiency of their hardware resources.
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