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The directors of the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) have named Stephan Wolf, currently the organization’s chief technology officer (CTO), as its new CEO.
Wolf also is a member of the executive board of Interactive Data Managed Solutions AG, a provider of financial market information systems to banks, brokers and others.
Wolf co-founded IS Innovative Software GmbH in 1989 and served as its managing director, according to a GLEIF statement. He was later named spokesman of the executive board of IS.Teledata AG, which subsequently became part of market data vendor Interactive Data Corp., where Wolf was CTO until 2010.
“We had a large number of excellent candidates, but Stephan’s strong background, exceptional vision and energy impressed us and we are sure he is the right person to guide the GLEIF at this important stage,” says Gerard Hartsink, GLEIF board chair who will remain interim CEO until Wolf assumes his new post, in a statement.
The legal entity identifier (LEI) is a 20-digit, alphanumeric code intended to identify participants in global financial markets and in any other financial transaction, according to the foundation, which is a Swiss nonprofit, domiciled in Basel, Switzerland.
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