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Markit, a provider of financial information services, reports the launch of new software and services designed for financial institutions that want to host and manage instant message chat rooms.
The new software “gives financial institutions direct access to the content in chat rooms they host, and complete control over information security,” the company says. “Chat rooms created using the software will be connected to Markit’s open Collaboration Services network and will be accessible to financial market professionals using a variety of messaging technologies. Today, more than 220,000 industry professionals are connected by Collaboration Services.”
The new offering also provides identity management services, the company notes, “ensuring firms can verify the identity of all chat room participants, prior to and during sessions, and control access to chat rooms.”
“Use of chat rooms has been scrutinized by regulators and the industry, but banning chat is not the answer,” Andrew Eisen, managing director and head of Collaboration Services, says in the company’s statement. “Markit’s solution makes it possible to manage chat rooms across federated platforms in a compliant manner, a first for the industry. This means chat rooms will now be accessible to professionals throughout the enterprise and broader industry, regardless of the messaging system they use.”
Collaboration Services was launched by Markit in partnership with Thomson Reuters and eight banks in October 2013.
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