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Misys, a provider of financial services software, has launched FusionRisk Limits, a new solution that will “make it possible for financial institutions to see all exposures, breaches and limit utilization across their entire operations,” according to a company statement.
By consolidating enterprise-wide limit information in a single location, FusionRisk Limits “enables a significantly enhanced view of limits across trading and commercial banking,” so that banks can get better visibility on exposures and improve their funding consumption, officials say.
FusionRisk Limits allows firms to manage and control credit risk based on a single view across multiple entities and global sector and country views, and can be integrated with other third-party trading and banking systems.
“It is essential that all exposures are accurately tracked in a timely manner and stay within the banks’ agreed tolerance levels at all times,” says Boris Lipiainen, global head of product management at Misys, in a statement.
“With FusionRisk Limits, risk managers, treasurers and corporate bankers can now fully understand exposures across the business,” Lipiainen says. “While de-risking their limit management operations, they can support pre-deal and strategic business decisions with confidence. Our solution is able to connect to any in-house or third-party software making it possible to compute and aggregate risk metrics from an individual trade all the way up to board-level aggregation.”
Need a Reprint?- Read More:
- FusionRisk Limits,
- Misys,
- credit risk,
- position limits
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