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FTF News explores in a special report the phenomenon of a distributed ledger technology that may be the most important spinoff to hit Wall Street securities operations in decades.
Bitcoin, a so-called crypto-currency, may fade before anyone really understands what it was or how it could actually have prevailed in financial services. However, out of Bitcoin’s ashes has risen the humbly named Blockchain technology. The distributed ledger technology that has been propping up Bitcoin has come to the attention of major industry players. This seemingly Cinderella of financial technology holds the promise of up ending some key aspects of established settlement, clearing and institutional payment processes underlying securities transactions.
Like the Prince and Cinderella’s lost slipper, industry participants large and small are trying on the slipper to see if there’s a fit. The exploration and the results are going to be fascinating to watch.
Please read on.
Need a Reprint?- Read More:
- BNY Mellon,
- Barclays,
- BitGo,
- Blockchain and Financial Markets,
- Blockchain-based ledgers,
- Dan Connell,
- Deutsche Bank,
- Digital Asset Holdings,
- Distributed Ledger Group (DLG),
- Ethereum,
- European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA),
- FIX,
- FIX Trading Community,
- Financial Technology,
- Goldman Sachs,
- Greenwich Associates,
- Hyperledger,
- JPMorgan,
- Kevin McPartland,
- Level39,
- Microsoft,
- Nasdaq,
- Nasdaq Linq,
- ProtonMail,
- R3,
- RBS,
- Royalbank of Scotland,
- Sand Hill Exchange,
- Santander Bank,
- T+0,
- Tabb Group,
- TeraExchange,
- UBS,
- Wall Street Blockchain Alliance,
- bitcoin,
- blockchain,
- clearing,
- crypto-currency,
- decentralized ledger,
- derivatives,
- digital currency,
- digital technology,
- disruptive technology,
- open source technology,
- payment,
- settlement