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Options Technology, a managed services and IT infrastructure vendor for the financial services markets, is consolidating its two existing London offices into a new office in central London, officials say.
The new office is situated in Portland House, Victoria, and will “accommodate growing staff numbers within the firm and has capacity for over 100 employees,” the vendor says in a statement.
Options officials say the move will help ensure that its engineering, support, account management and sales teams are all within close proximity to the vast majority of the firm’s central London clients. The vendor also says the new location will help to facilitate its new 24/7 support model.
The vendor has moved staff “from both our previous London offices into this larger premise,” says a spokesperson for Options. “Also we have made a number of hires this year as we continue to build out our support, account management, engineering and sales functions in London and across the other Options offices in the U.S. and Asia.”
Beyond London, Options has offices in New York, Chicago, Hong Kong and Singapore.
The consolidation “will allow us to bring our extremely responsive support function to our clients’ doorstep, ensuring it is readily available, as and when required,” says Nigel Kneafsey, Options founder and CEO.
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