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Stockbroker and investment bank Panmure Gordon has signed a multi-year deal with financial technology vendor Torstone Technology for the use of Inferno, Torstone’s post-trade securities and derivatives processing system, officials say.
Panmure will use Inferno to process its post-trade flow from trade capture through to settlement, accounting and reconciliation. Inferno allows users to consolidate multiple vendor and in-house systems into a single back office platform.
Inferno’s “real-time, event-driven, service-oriented architecture helps firms achieve very high rates of straight through processing (STP),” according to a company statement.
“We are setting a trend in the U.K. broker community, by providing a consolidated modern, hosted system to replace multiple, disparate systems running in-house operations,” says Torstone’s CEO, Brian Collings, in a statement.
Inferno can be used to address mid-tier firms that need to outsource the technology while insourcing operations, Collings says. The Inferno platform scales to meet the demands of third-party business process outsourcers to service multiple clients “including the large institutions,” he adds.
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- Panmure Gordon,
- Torstone Technology,
- compliance,
- post trade
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