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RBC’s brokerage arm is slated to provide online trading access to international markets.
The Royal Bank of Canada’s brokerage arm is literally opening up a world of opportunities for investors, officials say.
RBC Direct Investing’s new offering is slated to provide online trading access to international markets, including the London Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Exchange, and Euronext Paris, as well as eight global currencies, including the British pound (GBP), Hong Kong dollar (HKD), and Euro (EUR), alongside its existing offering in U.S. markets and currencies.
The new capabilities mean clients with an RBC British Pound, Hong Kong Dollar, or Euro eSavings Account can instantly transfer funds, within the standard business day, in the same currency between their RBC account and their RBC Direct Investing account. From within their RBC Direct Investing account, that currency is then immediately available for online international trading.
For investors holding GBP, HKD, EUR, JPY, CHF, SGD, AUD, or NZD currencies in their RBC Direct Investing account, these can be used directly for transactions without additional foreign exchange fees. The goal of these features, according to the Canadian brokerage firm, is to cut out unnecessary costs.
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