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Rocaton Investment Advisors has become the first investment consultancy in the U.S. to adopt RiskFirst’s web-based, risk analytics platform PFaroe, according to a company statement.
PFaroe is the core product of RiskFirst, a risk analytics provider based in the U.K., which recently began expanding into the U.S. with its partner Winklevoss Technologies.
PFaroe is a real-time, web-based valuation, analytics and reporting platform that aims to simplify compliance tasks and provide risk managers with deeper insights into exposure across multi-asset portfolios, according to the statement.
Headquartered in Norwalk, CT, Rocaton has roughly $400 billion in assets under advisement. Its clients include defined benefit and defined contribution retirement plans, healthcare and insurance companies, endowments and foundations, financial intermediaries and private wealth clients.
“Rocaton prides itself on a tailored approach with our clients, designing investment portfolios to reflect their specific objectives based on robust modelling of market risk and return expectations,” says Joe Nankof, consultant and partner at Rocaton, a written statement. “We are excited to leverage the advantages of PFaroe’s asset, liability and risk analytics, which gives a holistic view of clients’ plans built on a robust analytical framework.”
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