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Kx Systems, a vendor of high-performance database and time-series analytics, has has been awarded a contract by the SEC for use of its kdb+ software in supporting its ongoing IT objectives, vendor officials say.
The Kdb+ database system has a built-in, time-series query language called q that allows unified access to streaming, real-time, and historical data, say Kx System officials. For the SEC, kdb+ will have to manage large volumes of data it is aggregating and analyzing for applications that will include, among others, web-based reporting tools.
“Kdb+ is uniquely suited to the needs of regulators like the SEC, because it is the financial industry standard for trading and risk management,” says Janet Lustgarten, CEO at Kx Systems, in a prepared statement. “Proven over 22 years by the world’s largest financial institutions, kdb+ has the speed and robustness to facilitate the SEC’s ability to drill into aggregate data sets at high speed.”
There are installations of kdb+ at Morgan Stanley, RBC, Fidelity, Goldman Sachs, and IEX, say Kx Systems officials. Many firms have deployed kdb+ as their enterprise-wide market data server.
Need a Reprint?- Read More:
- Kx Systems,
- kdb+,
- kdb+ database,
- time-series database
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