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SmartStream Technologies, a financial transaction-lifecycle management specialist, reports the hiring of industry veteran Tom Dalglish to manage transformation projects for post-trade processing and data management services for its global clients.
Initially, he will be responsible for managing the back-office transformation program with one of Europe’s largest banks, according to a company statement.
Prior to joining SmartStream, Dalglish was the global head of transformation for iGATE, where he designed and deployed a major data utility strategy for the firm, according to the statement, which notes also that, prior to that post, he worked for UBS as chief technology officer (CTO) for global data services, running a newly formed enterprise data group. He also has held senior management positions for enterprise reference data initiatives at Bear Stearns, JPMorgan and Bank of America — Merrill Lynch.
“Many firms need to re-tool their current infrastructure to support new regulatory requirements and improve operational efficiency,” Philippe Chambadal, SmartStream CEO, says in the statement. “The adoption of utilities is helping the industry on both accounts: by mutualizing back-office functions such as [enterprise data management] into shared centers of excellence, firms are able to reduce operational costs by 40 to 60 percent and respond faster to regulatory demands.”
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