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David Golden is a principal in Ernst & Young’s Washington, D.C. National Office and the Americas Director of EY’s Capital Markets Tax Practice. His practice focuses on the tax aspects of domestic and international treasury activities and financial products, transactions and structures. He advises a wide variety of U.S. and foreign-based taxpayers that deal, hedge, trade and invest in equity and fixed income securities, derivatives, foreign currencies and commodities. David also advises taxpayers on issuing debt and equity in the public and private markets, the efficient use of intragroup capital, and on cash pooling, in-house banking, centralized treasury and risk management systems. He is a frequent speaker at events presented by the American Bar Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Bloomberg, Tax Executives Institute, Wall Street Tax Association, International Fiscal Association and other professional and industry organizations. He has also authored numerous articles on capital markets tax topics.
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