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Dax Johnson is the global product manager for Performance and Analytics and responsible for the asset owner product strategy at State Street. His team works with clients and prospects to understand their investment analytics needs and ensure our product development efforts align with current and future client demand. State Street provides investment analytics services to 600 asset owners, asset managers, and insurance companies with assets over $11 trillion.
Dax joined State Street in 2000. Over the following seven years, he was responsible for daily operations and the management of a fund accounting team. As a vice president, Dax was part of the senior team responsible for overseeing strategic west coast relationships. In 2007, Dax joined Performance and Analytics as a consultant, responsible for client service.
Dax is a CFA charter holder, a CIPM certificant, and a member of the San Francisco CFA Society. He has volunteered with the CFA Institute on shaping the CIPM program and GASB on implementing the money-weighted return requirement. Dax earned a B.S. in Finance and Business Administration with a minor in Economics from Saint Mary’s College of California and a M.S. in Financial Analysis from University of San Francisco.
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