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Bob is a New York Advisory Principal with over 40 years of experience and leads Deloitte’s Capital Markets and Global Financial Markets industry sectors. He assists clients with operations transformations, operationalize rules and regulations and non-financial regulatory reporting.
Bob has comprehensive working knowledge of the traded markets, regulatory and compliance functions. He focuses on risk management, front lines businesses, second line compliance, market surveillance, trade management, brokerage operations, trading systems, digital control centers and trade reporting. At Deloitte, he has advised numerous exchanges and broker dealers on leading practices, process improvements, and leading uses of technology for decision support. A developer by trade, Bob has extensive experience in systems architecture, application design, data architecture, development methodologies, securities operations technology, building enterprise data repositories and warehousing, and enterprise reporting solutions.
Bob has led numerous industry wide transformation programs including the project office for Consolidated Audit Trail, L to operationalize the CAT NMS Plan to comply with SEC Rule 613 as well Shortened Settlement Cycle (T+2), and most recently T+1 Accelerated Settlement Cycle. Bob’s primary focus is to help organizations modernize regulated operations.
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