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Tara McCloskey is a Director and Head of the Derivatives Middle Office, which is part of the Investments Department’s Global Operations Unit. Her organization is responsible for trade valuation, trade confirmation, collateral management and analytics for derivatives.
Tara joined MetLife August 2015 and has 18 years of experience in the financial services industry. Prior to joining MetLife, Tara held many roles in her 12 year tenure at JPMorgan including managing the Credit Portfolio middle office and eventually trading credit derivatives and leveraged loans for the Bank’s Credit Portfolio. Her most recent role prior to leaving JPM was helping build the OTC clearing business and SEF platform where she specifically covered Asset Managers, Insurance Companies, Banks and Corporate clients. She also spent 5 years at a credit hedge fund where she traded corporate bonds, leveraged loans and credit derivatives in addition to being an assistant portfolio manager.
Tara graduated from the University of Delaware with a BS in Finance.
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