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Financial messaging and systems cooperative SWIFT has hired industry veteran David Lefferts from financial information services vendor Markit, where he served in product development, cross-product strategy, and senior business development roles over eight years, officials say. At SWIFT, Lefferts will serve as a managing director, market initiatives for the Americas.
Lefferts, who has more than 20 years of experience, will report to Chris Church, chief executive, Americas and global head of securities, officials say.
For his new role at SWIFT, Lefferts will oversee the evolution of SWIFT’s products and services as the cooperative works to meet customer requirements amid market, regulatory and technological changes.
“I look forward to working closely with David as we define and execute our overall go-to-market strategy for the Americas region,” Church says.
Before joining Markit, Lefferts was vice president for fixed income strategy at FINRA, the securities regulatory body in the U.S., where he was responsible for developing its fixed income strategy and ran its TRACE reporting service for bonds, officials say.
SWIFT provides the communications platform, products and services to connect more than 10,800 banking organizations, securities institutions and corporate customers in more than 200 countries and territories, officials say.
Need a Reprint?- Read More:
- Dodd-Frank,
- Markit,
- SIBOS 2014,
- compliance,
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