“Climate change is happening now, and we have to take steps to manage the financial risks now,” says Linda A. Lacewell, the superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYS DFS). “We simply can’t wait any longer to deal with it. “We want to ensure that every institution is managing its own… Read More >>
The Pope Takes On Cap-and-Trade
Buried in Pope Francis’s recent 184-page papal encyclical, “Laudato Si’,” on the many issues entangled in environmental and climate change concerns was an interesting swipe at cap-and-trade systems. To recap, earlier this month Pope Francis issued a position paper that The New York Times describes as “sweeping in ambition and scope” that focuses on the… Read More >>
Exchange for Carbon Trading Launches in U.S.
Is carbon trading making a comeback? Officials at the Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX), an electronic spot trading exchange for global carbon credits, hope so. CTX has just launched a platform to buy and sell allowances from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), officials say. RGGI is the first mandatory cap-and-trade program in the United States… Read More >>
Time for a Global Carbon-Trading Exchange?
As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) moves to impose carbon-dioxide emissions cuts on U.S. power plants, the issue of cap-and-trade systems and a possible global exchange for carbon trading might return to the fore. However, the political battle this time around already looks to be much tougher than it was four years ago. Using the… Read More >>