CME Group and the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. (DTCC) have been working behind the scenes to expand their cross-margining agreement to increase margin savings and capital efficiencies for traders by December 2025, officials say. The update, which is still pending the nod from regulators, aims to improve the long-standing CME-DTCC cross-margining arrangement by allowing… Read More >>
FinTech Brief: DTCC’s AIP Services Gains Funds & Clients
DTCC officials have announced a milestone for its Alternative Investment Product Services (AIP), which has had a 20 percent increase in the number of funds to 10,000-plus unique funds. In addition, the number of AIP clients has risen to more than 2,200, an increase of 28 percent. These increases occurred over the past year. The… Read More >>
CFTC Divisions Push SEFs to Dump LIBOR
CFTC Says Firms Need to Embrace SOFR Soon The CFTC wants participants in derivatives markets and the swap execution facilities (SEFs) to remember that they could face “financial, conduct, litigation, operational, and reputational risks” if they fail to adequately prepare for “a smooth and timely” London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Libor) transition to the Secured Overnight… Read More >>
Symphony Buys Cloud9 to Jolt Voice Trading
Symphony to Unite Voice Trading with NLP Symphony, a messaging and platform provider for trading firms, reports that it is trying to “tackle true pain points in markets’ workflows” via the acquisition of trader voice/electronic communication and analytics company Cloud9 Technologies. The acquisition will help Symphony “take the lead in front office communications with new… Read More >>
Paper Security Certificates Must Go: DTCC
The Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. (DTCC), a major post-trade infrastructure, systems, and services provider, is on a mission to convince the U.S. securities industry to get rid of paper-based, physical securities and replace them with electronic records. The proper term for the effort is dematerialization, which the DTCC says is an essential transition that… Read More >>
UMR Deadlines Postponed Due to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused another major industry postponement: the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) have moved the deadlines ahead by one year for the last two phases of the implementation of the uncleared margin rules (UMR) for non-centrally cleared derivatives. “In light of the significant… Read More >>
Exchanges, Clearinghouses, CSDs Embrace DLT with Caution
The world’s largest securities exchanges, clearinghouses and central securities depositories (CSDs) are exploring the possibilities of blockchain/distributed ledger technology (DLT). But concerns remain as to whether the technology will deliver the promised goods of a more streamlined and efficient world, according to a new survey conducted by the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) and the… Read More >>