Euroclear Appoints Mostrey CEO Euroclear has named Lieve Mostrey chief executive officer, effective at the start of the new year. The appointment follows Tim Howell’s decision to “step down from the group after six years at the helm,” Euroclear says in a statement, which recalls that Mostrey “joined Euroclear in October 2010” as executive director… Read More >>
HTG Capital Buys Three of Kottke’s Businesses
HTG, Kottke to Form a ‘Strong Team’ HTG Capital Partners, a liquidity provider for listed and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives instruments, is slated to acquire the introducing broker, money management and proprietary trading businesses of Kottke Associates, creating “a strong team” to take on the futures industry, say officials. HTG and Kottke Associates, which is a… Read More >>
State Street to Test Service for Collateral Settlement
State Street will embark upon a pilot program in the first quarter of 2017 that will test the margin settlement messaging service of vendor GlobalCollateral as the global custodian intends to automate as much as possible the collateral settlement process, officials confirm. GlobalCollateral, a joint venture of Euroclear and the DTCC, is readying for prime… Read More >>
AcadiaSoft Unveils Central Margining Hub for Derivatives
Norwell, Mass.-based AcadiaSoft, Inc. reports that it has begun industry testing of its Collateral Hub, which it characterizes as the “first ever Central Margining service for non-cleared OTC [over-the-counter] derivatives.” Twenty-eight major banks are participating in the test of the electronic-margin-management system, AcadiaSoft says, noting that its “new service will facilitate industry compliance with impending… Read More >>
Unified Settlement Push in Europe Hits Speed Bumps
The European Central Bank (ECB) has rescheduled the implementation of its Target 2 Securities (T2S) program, allowing one of the largest central securities depositories (CSDs) to delay migration until September 2016. The delays, however, are not likely to derail the T2S push, launched in June 2015 to create a single European platform for securities settlement…. Read More >>
New Collateral Management, Margining Rules to Sting as Regulation Takes Hold
Securities firms are going to feel over the coming months multiple stings of regulation via Dodd-Frank, the EU’s European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) legislation and Basel III that will cause collateral management and margining requirements and calls to skyrocket. So says industry veteran Ted Leveroni, chief commercial officer for DTCC-Euroclear GlobalCollateral Ltd., a joint venture… Read More >>
AcadiaSoft Forms Margining Hub for Non-Cleared Derivatives
Margining platform vendor AcadiaSoft has successfully linked its own system with that of several other providers in the margining automation space, creating the first industry-wide margining utility for non-cleared derivative instruments. AcadiaSoft linked its MarginSphere 2 electronic messaging service for over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives with TriOptima’s triResolve OTC trade reconciliation service and the DTCC-Euroclear’s Margin Transit… Read More >>
DTCC, Euroclear Launch Collateral Services Venture
The DTCC and Euroclear, both providers of post-trade market infrastructure services, have unveiled a joint venture that will “develop and streamline margin settlement processes and enhance access to securities collateral worldwide,” according to a spokesperson. The new company will target industry participants that have to comply with clearing and margining regulatory mandates, officials say. The… Read More >>
DTCC, Euroclear Mull Collateral Utility
Euroclear and the DTCC are exploring the creation of an industry utility to streamline margin settlement processes and improve access to collateral across the globe. The two have proposed a joint venture to deliver a collateral processing infrastructure that will build upon their capabilities. Euroclear and the DTCC have been authorized by their respective boards… Read More >>