After four long years of an administration that routinely dismissed and disparaged environmental issues, the pressing need to combat climate change finally has an ally. That ally is the new president. And in turn, President Biden has an ally in Walt Lukken, the president and chief executive officer of the Futures Industry Association (FIA), who… Read More >>
Biden Moves to Revamp the SEC & CFTC
President Joe Biden appears to be getting the SEC and CFTC that he wants after a bumpy transition period, and a rush of departures as the new team takes over. For starters, the Biden team has nominated Gary Gensler, the former chairman of the CFTC, to be the next chairman of the SEC. Gensler served… Read More >>
Yellen’s Mission Reaches Beyond the Pandemic
Late last month, Janet L. Yellen was sworn in as the 78th Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury by Kamala D. Harris, the newly inaugurated vice president of the U.S. Yellen and Harris are pioneers and it was a breakthrough amid a great deal of turmoil. But this glass-ceiling shattering moment in history… Read More >>
Will the London Metal Exchange End Outcry Trading?
London Metal Exchange (LME) officials are seriously considering closing their 144-year-old open outcry futures trading floor, dubbed the Ring, but it’s unclear if this action is a sign that other outcry trading venues will follow suit. The Ring has been shut down for the past 10-plus months by the pandemic lockdown, and in that time,… Read More >>
ATS for Digital Securities Wins Regulatory Approval
Regulated broker-dealer Oasis Pro Markets reports that it has received approval from FINRA and the SEC for its cutting-edge digital security Alternative Trading System (ATS), which allows subscribers to trade digital/blockchain securities, and to make payments for them via digital cash such as Stablecoins. It’s important for Oasis to offer this kind of an ATS… Read More >>
FINRA Alleges Worden Excessively Traded Customer Accounts
FINRA, the U.S. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, has penalized Worden Capital Management LLC “more than” $1.2 million in restitution, plus a fine of $350,000 on charges that the firm “excessively traded” customer accounts. Worden has agreed to pay. In addition, the firm must also “retain an independent consultant to conduct a comprehensive review of the relevant… Read More >>
BlueCrest & SEC Resolve Charges of Investor Harm
BlueCrest Capital Management has settled charges via the SEC that it failed its investors by assigning its best human traders to a proprietary hedge fund while its external investors were serviced by an allegedly mediocre algorithm. The U.S. regulator reports that the hedge fund “has agreed to pay $170 million to settle charges arising from… Read More >>
DTCC Acquires Sapient’s Compliance Reporting Platform
DTCC to Add Sapient’s CMRS to Report Hub Post-trade systems and services vendor DTCC has acquired a platform for compliance management reporting, dubbed the Compliance Management Reporting System (CMRS), from consultancy Publicis Sapient, and will integrate CMRS with a pre- and post-trade reporting solution, the DTCC Report Hub service, officials say. The combined offerings are… Read More >>
CFTC Enforcers Report Banner Year for 2020
’Tis the season for annual reports, and one of the most instructive is from the regulator Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and its Division of Enforcement. When it comes to the CFTC’s mission to “be tough on those who break the rules,” as Division of Enforcement Acting Director Vince McGonagle puts it in a commission… Read More >>
Mutualized Ops Automation Cuts Costs by 20%: DTCC
Post-trade systems and services provider DTCC is making its case for the cost-cutting value of mutualized, automated securities operations after surveying nine global broker-dealers that use its key offerings. The DTCC defines mutualization as “sharing the cost of utilitarian functions” that involves the adoption of “a no-touch processing workflow,” officials say. “Ultimately, the scale and… Read More >>