The SEC’s decision to move key deadlines for its own rule requiring centralized clearing for U.S. Treasuries and Treasury-backed repurchase contracts that were formerly cleared bilaterally has been met with approval by major industry participants. However, major market players acknowledge that the industry needs a breather to catch up to the regulator’s requirements. In particular,… Read More >>
Euroclear to Deploy BBH’s IDS Platform
Asset servicing provider Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) is working with Euroclear, the Brussels-based international central securities depository (ICSD), to provide SWIFT message transformation and network connectivity for Euroclear’s new Bilateral Repo service, officials say. “Enabling repo market participants’ connectivity to multiple custodians is a key attribute of this new service and provides highly sought-after depository… Read More >>
Deadline Looms for Non-Centrally Cleared Bilateral Repos
A regulatory rule for the collection of data for non-centrally cleared bilateral U.S. repurchase agreements (repos) has a compliance date — December 2 — that is less than three months away. In May, the Office of Financial Research (OFR) without much fanfare adopted a final rule to “improve transparency within the U.S. repurchase agreement (repo)… Read More >>
Many Firms Unclear About Treasury Clearing Mandate
Almost half of the participants in a recent survey do not yet understand that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has issued regulations that have mandated centralized clearing of key U.S. Treasury transactions, according to the study commissioned by specialist professional services provider Davies Consulting. The SEC has decided that “a treasury central counterparty… Read More >>
FICC Sets a T-Bonds Record as Costs to Rise
The Government Securities Division (GSD) of the Fixed Income Clearing Corp. (FICC) cleared $9.2 trillion in U.S. Treasury activity on September 3, a record-setting milestone that could bode well for the mandated centralized clearing to come next year. The steady industry movement to centralized clearing is a sign that industry players are embracing the reforms… Read More >>
UBS Completes Repo Trade via Blockchain & Other News
Banks Use Broadridge DLR Platform UBS and an unnamed Asian bank have “executed the first cross-border intraday repo transaction on Broadridge’s blockchain-enabled Distributed Ledger Repo (DLR) platform,” according to operations, systems, and services provider Broadridge Financial Solutions. The intraday trade “marks the launch of the next phase in the rollout of Broadridge’s DLR platform …… Read More >>
Are You Ready for Digitalized Repo Ops?
(Last month, JPMorgan revealed that it had successfully conducted “a live, blockchain-based intraday repo transaction” between its broker-dealer and banking entity via an internally developed blockchain/distributed ledger technology (DLT) application. The effort was a test of instantaneous settlement and maturity of the transaction in hours rather than days. The news spurred FTF News to reach… Read More >>
BrokerTec & triResolve Push to Advance Repo Automation
Fixed income electronic trading platform BrokerTec has joined forces with derivatives infrastructure services vendor TriOptima to offer more automation across the mostly manual lifecycle of a repo trade, officials say. The intention is to improve the repo trade workflow, Raf Pritchard, head of triResolve at CME Group, tells FTF News. The triResolve group is part… Read More >>
DTCC & Digital Asset Launch Distributed Ledger Project for Repos
The DTCC, the industry post-trade utility and related services provider, and fintech startup Digital Asset Holdings are developing a solution based on distributed ledger technology, intended to help firms better manage the clearing and settlement of U.S. Treasury, agency, and agency mortgage-backed repurchase agreement (repo) transactions. The effort should yield a central counterparty process that… Read More >>