The SEC’s decision to move key deadlines for its own rule requiring centralized clearing for U.S. Treasuries and Treasury-backed repurchase contracts that were formerly cleared bilaterally has been met with approval by major industry participants. However, major market players acknowledge that the industry needs a breather to catch up to the regulator’s requirements. In particular,… Read More >>
DTCC Pilot Pushes Automation for Corporate Actions Processing
DTCC officials have just announced that they are forging ahead with a two-phased pilot program to bring more automation to corporate actions (CA) processing. The effort is intended to deliver “new efficiencies and capabilities that address decades-long asset services challenges around the sourcing of corporate actions announcements,” according to the DTCC. “The pilot, which includes… Read More >>
The SEC Wants Electronic Filing for All Forms
Late last month, the SEC put forward amendments intended to “modernize its information collection and analysis methods by, among other things, proposing that a number of filings be submitted to the Commission electronically on EDGAR [the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval] system using structured data where appropriate,” according to the regulator’s announcement. Many in… Read More >>
SIFMA Urges T+1 Start After Labor Day 2024
One of the leaders in the push for T+1 settlement, SIFMA has relayed in a letter to the SEC its recommendations for the start date of a shorter settlement cycle — Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024 — and for rule changes that would mitigate “potential adverse consequences.” SIFMA, the Investment Company Institute (ICI), and The Depository… Read More >>
Congress Should Rein In Exchanges: SIFMA
SIFMA wants Congress to shake up the legal framework for securities exchanges. This is because some key federal securities laws are preserving advantages for exchanges but may be harming investors, says Ellen Greene, SIFMA managing director, equity and options market structure, in her recent testimony before Congress. But there are ways to fix the situation,… Read More >>
No Showstoppers for T+1 Overhaul: ISITC Panel
While no one would mistake the T+1 shorter settlement drama for a joyous Broadway musical, there are not likely to be any showstoppers as the securities industry transitions to a one-day settlement cycle after execution for U.S. equities. But there’s a lot of work ahead. So says a panel of experts assembled by ISITC for… Read More >>
Why the World Needs Wall Street: SIFMA
While many politicians and others slam Wall Street, the securities industry advocacy group SIFMA wants to remind everyone that the engine that is the financial services industry will be a key component of the post-pandemic recovery and growth for all sectors of the U.S. economy and will spur positive ramifications across the globe. To make… Read More >>
FTF News Launches Live Interviews
At FTF and FTF News, we have a history of trying new ways of providing you with compelling, relevant content about major trends, changes, and innovations in the securities operations industry. We hope you like what we are doing, and we appreciate your support for the news service, which launched 10 years ago! In keeping… Read More >>
SIFMA Draws Attention to CAT Data Issues
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) has had securities industry data breaches on its mind lately. First, SIFMA is calling on the SEC to temporarily halt the technical specification process for the Customer and Account Information System (CAIS) of the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) because the industry group is questioning whether the data… Read More >>
Industry Passes SIFMA-led Regulation SCI Tests
100 Firms & 80 Organizations Took Part in the SCI Tests The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) reports that it led “a successful business continuity test” on Saturday, Oct. 24, an annual effort mandated by the SEC’s Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity (SCI). The industry-wide test was combined with a large-scale connectivity evaluation…. Read More >>