The CFTC is cracking down on the alleged failures of supervisory systems and other controls that swap dealers and other swap industry participants have set up to be compliant. In particular, the regulator has just announced enforcement actions against Société Générale S.A., Mizuho Capital Markets, and the Refinitiv SEF, among others. “Swap dealer registrants must… Read More >>
RBC Capital Markets Resolves Deal-Flipping Charges
The Securities and Exchange Commission has ordered RBC Capital Markets to pay “more than $800,000 to resolve charges that it engaged in unfair dealing in municipal bond offerings.” While RBC Capital Markets neither admits nor denies the SEC allegations, it has agreed to pay the financial penalty and be censured. In a related settlement, two… Read More >>
SEC Sought ISITC’s Advice on T+1: Q&A
(FTF News recently spoke with Lisa Iagatta, the ISITC chair for the past three years, as ISITC’s Virtual Fall Forum 2021, held earlier this month, was winding down. Iagatta touched on the T+1 shorter settlement cycle push, led by the DTCC, SIFMA, and the ICI, and looked back at her time at the helm, which… Read More >>
Northern Trust Uses Algorithms to Find Initial Margin
Northern Trust Develops Offering with Acadia With help from vendor Acadia, Northern Trust launched an automated solution for initial margin (IM) calculation that exploits algorithms to find assets that will help firms meet regulatory obligations, officials say. The solution was developed to help clients meet the September 1 deadline for compliance with the Uncleared Margin… Read More >>
Firms Suffer via Ops Expenses Blind Spot: Report
Lackluster investment in post-trade processes has caused an information blackout that prevents financial services firms from getting an enterprise-wide view of the money that has been spent on brokerage, custodian, exchange, and clearing services, and this weakness is taking a toll on profits, according to a new report from Meritsoft, a post-trade process automation services… Read More >>
Gresham Taps Duco for New Global Director
Julian Trostinsky Joins Gresham Technologies Gresham Technologies plc has named Julian Trostinsky, an industry veteran and an ex-Duco vice president, as its new “global director of customer success.” Gresham is a fintech provider of real-time processes, procedures and reconciliation capabilities that are intended to provide “data integrity and control, banking integration, payments and cash… Read More >>
Crypto Firms Face Many AML Challenges: Q&A
(A cryptocurrency trading platform, Voyager Digital Ltd., recently announced that it is using anti-money laundering (AML) solutions from NICE Actimize. Voyager has signed onto the cloud-based AML Essentials offerings and will be using the Suspicious Activity Monitoring and Customer Due Diligence applications to monitor its operations. The news gave FTF News an opportunity to reach… Read More >>
DTCC Moves Ahead with DLT-Based Settlement Platform
The DTCC is moving ahead with its alternative securities settlement platform —the Project Ion initiative — based upon distributed ledger technology (DLT) after “a successful prototype pilot” with market participants, officials say. The prototype pilot showed that DLT could support the shorter settlement cycles of trading day plus one (T+1) and settlement on the trading… Read More >>
DoJ Begins 7th Fund Distribution for Madoff Victims
A former pillar of Wall Street, once celebrated for his financial acumen, died in prison six months ago. Meanwhile, restitution to victims of his epic fraud continues on. Savvy FTF News readers will know that Bernard L. Madoff’s fall is a cautionary tale, still eminently relevant. In June 2009, the infamous Ponzi schemer, and the… Read More >>
No Showstoppers for T+1 Overhaul: ISITC Panel
While no one would mistake the T+1 shorter settlement drama for a joyous Broadway musical, there are not likely to be any showstoppers as the securities industry transitions to a one-day settlement cycle after execution for U.S. equities. But there’s a lot of work ahead. So says a panel of experts assembled by ISITC for… Read More >>