(FinSwitch, a provider based in Cape Town, South Africa, that offers securities transaction flow support is readying a messaging and transaction platform based on distributed ledger technology (DLT). Dubbed FinChain, the new system will replace its legacy offering that FinSwitch says offers “a common automated platform to process transactions, fund prices, and other data between… Read More >>
OpenGamma & IHS Markit Target Margining Rules
OpenGamma & IHS Markit Begin Collaboration OpenGamma, which characterizes itself as a margin optimization provider, reports a new collaboration with IHS Markit, which characterizes itself as a provider of critical securities information, analytics and solutions. The vendors are jointly offering a system for mutual clients looking to reduce the cost of margin management. Their offering… Read More >>
DDJ Bolsters Ops via Cloud Version of Portia
Firm Gains Time, Ops Advantages via SS&C Hosting Investment manager DDJ Capital Management has signed on to use the hosted, software-as-a-service (SaaS) version of the venerable Portia system to outsource the creation, maintenance and control of overnight workflows and batch jobs, say officials at SS&C Technologies, the financial IT conglomerate that owns Portia. The SaaS… Read More >>
Citi Settles FX Cartel Charges with South African Regulator
A regulatory body in South Africa, the Competition Commission, has announced a $5.3 million settlement with Citibank N.A. for the bank’s alleged role in a foreign exchange FX trading cartel Competition Commission report that they have “found that from at least 2007, Citibank N.A. and its competitors had a general agreement to collude on prices… Read More >>