(The Swift global cooperative for financial messaging is ending its support for the legacy MT standards for cross-border payments on Nov. 22, 2025, and is urging firms to transition to the updated ISO 20022 standard. This follows the Swift community’s decision in 2018 to adopt ISO 20022 for cross-border payments and reporting. The global embrace… Read More >>
Euroclear to Deploy BBH’s IDS Platform
Asset servicing provider Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) is working with Euroclear, the Brussels-based international central securities depository (ICSD), to provide SWIFT message transformation and network connectivity for Euroclear’s new Bilateral Repo service, officials say. “Enabling repo market participants’ connectivity to multiple custodians is a key attribute of this new service and provides highly sought-after depository… Read More >>
SIFMA’s DLT Experiment Could Overhaul Ops
A groundbreaking proof-of-concept initiative led by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) and involving major financial services firms and top financial technology providers has shown the “potential advantages of implementing a shared ledger system” for post-trade operations that could spur “innovation in securities settlement processes” via improved operational efficiency, real-time liquidity access, and… Read More >>
CFTC Pays $8M to Insider Whistleblower
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) reports that it recently rewarded an insider whistleblower with more than $8 million for providing “significant information and assistance that led the CFTC and other agencies to bring multiple enforcement actions.” In fact, the whistleblower “helped the CFTC establish that one or more derivatives market participants deceived clients about… Read More >>
DTCC’s T+1 Trade Fail Rate Nearly Doubles
The DTCC’s same-day settlement trade fail rate increased by 46 percent, rising from 1.86 percent to 2.7 percent between May 29 and May 30, foreshadowing a period of unrest as T+1 operational headaches crawl out of the woodwork. There was little commotion for most of the transition week, as market participants navigated North America’s long-awaited… Read More >>
North America’s Rocky Road to T+1 Begins
Like it or not, North American firms are getting new plumbing for settlement. Settlement within the shorter time frame of the trading day plus another day, or T+1, is becoming a reality for North American firms, starting with those firms in Canada and Mexico, and with a nod to South America, Argentina, on Monday, May 27,… Read More >>
Gresham Applies A.I.-ML Breakthrough to Trade Breaks
Necessity is still the mother of invention especially when it comes to applying artificial intelligence (A.I.) and machine learning (ML) to the investigation of trade breaks as Gresham Technologies has learned. By using A.I. & ML to investigate and then learn from trade breaks, a Gresham client facing repetitive trade breaks has had a 66… Read More >>
Swift Explores CBDC Links to FX, Tokens & Liquidity
The global Swift financial messaging cooperative has completed a collaborative “sandbox experiment” testing the interoperability of an interlinking solution for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) intended to “simplify and speed up trade flows, unlock growth in tokenized securities markets, and enable efficient FX settlement,” officials say. CBDCs are the digital currencies likely to be issued… Read More >>
T+1 Leaves Little Time for Settlement Fixes: Q&A
(The North American push for securities settlement within the trading day plus another day, a.k.a. T+1, is not going leave much time for fixing failed settlement efforts, says Jonathan Ehrenfeld, who is head of securities strategy for the Swift financial message cooperative. Ehrenfeld is responsible for Swift’s securities, foreign exchange, and digital assets strategies and… Read More >>
Broadridge Explores Advancing Ops via Artificial Intelligence
Broadridge Financial Services is exploring how artificial intelligence technologies combined with the provider’s logical data model BRx can be applied to capital markets, including front-to-back-office applications across asset classes. The proof-of-concept (POC) effort has only been underway for the past three weeks, says Hugh Daly, general manager, data and enterprise solutions, at Broadridge. Daly told FTF News about the… Read More >>