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Xenomorph, an analytics and data management solutions provider, reports that it has strengthened its data management capabilities by releasing a data validation dashboard for its TimeScape product.
The TimeScape data validation dashboard provides a platform for firms to “streamline and simplify their exception management processes and adhere to regulatory requirements,” the company says in a statement, which spotlights the visual tools that enable “data for any asset class to be validated and remediated using out-of-the-box and extensible rules, covering instrument, curve, surface and cube validations.”
Additionally, the software allows users to configure workflows to manage and control the validation of data points shared across multiple complex objects, such as curves and surfaces. “If any of the validations fail, those points can be rolled back and manual intervention employed to correct the data using four-eyes validation with full audit control,” officials say.
“Capital markets firms continue to focus on the difficulties in managing data and how their processes must continue to change to keep up with new and extensive regulations,” Brian Sentance, CEO of Xenomorph, says in a company statement. The dashboard allows a firm to visually manage end-to-end data requirements to meet downstream needs for gold copies, Sentance adds.
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