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Institutional investor TowerPoint Capital has promoted Saat Shaikh to the position of managing director, officials say.
Shaikh joined TowerPoint earlier this year and currently oversees the finance and accounting functions. Prior to joining TowerPoint, he was a member of the technology investment banking group at William Blair and Co., where he advised on over $4 billion in aggregate value across various transaction types including M&A, public equity offerings, recapitalizations and fairness opinions.
Before investment banking, Saat worked at Deloitte Consulting and Accenture, where “led multiple teams through strategic management and technology initiatives to increase revenue, streamline business processes and improve operating outcomes,” according to a company statement.
“We are thrilled to welcome Saat to the executive team, his presence adds significant horsepower to the firm’s finance division,” says Jesse Wellner, TowerPoint’s CEO, in a statement.
TowerPoint Capital officials say that it is a 100% management-owned institutional investor in cellular site locations across the United States.
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